Sleep & Wellness Centers of California
Sleep & Wellness Centers of California
Optimizing your path to total wellness through sleep health and affordable access to healthcare
Are you at risk?
Please review the following questions honestly:
Are you at risk?
Please review the following questions honestly:
Have you ever nodded off while driving?
Have you ever awoken short of breath gasping for air?
Have you ever been told that you stop breathing during sleep?
Do you feel tired during the day after 7 or more hours of sleep?
Do you snore?
Have you been diagnosed with high blood pressure?
Do you have difficulty losing weight?
Do you get morning headaches?
Do you have trouble maintaining sleep?
Do you suffer from insomnia?
If your answer is "Yes" to more than one of these questions, you may be
at risk of having a sleep disorder.
Contact us today to get started down your path to healthier sleep!